Title: Three The Hard Way - Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring
Poster artist: Hebru Brantley
Edition: AP "Artist Proof" edition of only 4 that were printed. Hand signed and marked AP by Hebru
Year: 2017
Type: Limited edition 18 color hand pulled screen printed poster
Size: 24x27
Location: Chicago, IL printed by Pop!nk
Venue: Vertical Gallery, Eat Crap King release
Notes: This poster features renderings of Jean-Michel Basquiat aka SAMO, Keith Haring and Andy Warhol by Chicago's Hebru Brantley. This limited edition screen printed poster is from a very small edition and is sure to go up in value over time.
From Vertical Gallery: "This special print is the second print release from Hebru Brantley’s solo show "Eat Crap King". It is one of his most elaborate prints, in a very low print edition size. An 18-color hand-pulled print by Pop!nk Editions in Chicago, one of the finest screen printers of high end artist’s editions. The print recreates the original paintings with brilliant colors and is printed on bright white extra heavy archival paper, signed and numbered by the artist."